Features of HVLP Spraying Guns

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Features & What is HVLP Spraying Gun?

What is HVLP Spraying Gun?

The SCAQMD (South California Air Quality Management District) developed and used HVLP spray technology in the 1980s. The majority of state EPAs in the United States have since adopted it. To comply with HVLP, the air pressure measured at the air cap must be between 0.1 and 10 PSI maximum, or the application must be at least 65% transfer efficiency. Compared to a standard Airspray cannon, these criteria limit overspray pollution and material waste. HVLP is High Volume Low Pressure and refers to a large air volume at low pressure. Atomization is accomplished by the air volume, not through high air pressure, which lowers forward velocity, resulting in a softer spray

The gentler spray allows more material to adhere to the component rather than bouncing off into the atmosphere, lowering air pollution and material waste. HVLP guns are constructed with more extensive air passages and caps with numerous or more significant atomizing orifices surrounding the fluid nozzle to achieve this. Our Epic Coating Academy fulfills your requirements with HVLP spray guns. The FPRO HVLP is the most recent model and is available in Gravity feed guns or Pressure variants to fit your equipment requirements. Our professional spray guns employ compressed air to generate atomizing air.

What is HVLP Spraying Gun?

What exactly are HVLP Paint Sprayers?

HVLP is an abbreviation for "high volume low pressure,." Standard spray guns use a compressor to propel air through the gun; however, unlike regular spray guns, HVLP spray guns spread a greater volume of air at a lower pressure. HVLP "high volume low pressure" paint sprayers (also known as turbo-sprayers) are shared paint-spraying tools created for Industrial purposes like Metalic, trim, finish work, furniture staining, cabinet painting, and other detailed applications needing great precision, speed, and smooth finish. HVLP guns can regulate the even distribution of paint with a larger volume and lower air pressure, saving you money by eliminating lost paint from overspray and paint spatter.

HVLP spray gun systems are classified into 2 Types

  • Dedicated systems
  • Conversion systems

Dedicated systems that atomize the finish using a turbine.

The advantages of Dedicated systems for It is portable and inexpensive, and the Disadvantages of Dedicated systems are Limited adaptability.

Conversion systems convert high-pressure air from a compressor to lower pressure to give a more controlled spray.

The Advantages of Compatible with a variety of spray guns And the Disadvantages are Higher initial expenses and non-portability.

High Volume, Low Pressure guns (HVLP)

High volume refers to the gun displacing a large amount of paint to its surface, whereas low pressure protects against waste, a small amount of overspray and pollution, and reduced material atomization. They result in a professional finish and material cost reduction. High Volume Low-Pressure guns use air at high volume to spray the paint, which mainly helps to achieve the wastage of paint loss of up to 75%.

HLVPs are said to be eco-friendly. Around 65% of HVLP air caps are very efficient. These guns use high air volume with low pressure, reducing emissions. But, they can’t be able to atomize weighty body coatings like zinc, heavy glues, and conventional caps. Some of the HVLP guns bring hot air, which gives the outcome of parching the paint surface quickly.

Advantages and Features of HVLP Spray Guns

Most materials suit HVLP spraying. The preparation time to spray the surface can be reduced when compared to other guns. The HLVP gun is affordable to buy. It is sufficient for the maintenance. This gun prevents overspray because it can control spraying easily. It's quite portable for the painter to handle the gun. This type of HVLP gun cuts down the usage of material consumption by 40%, which leads to cost-efficient. It’s also scaled down the labour time, reducing work time consumption and saving time. HVLP is a kind of touch-up spray gun that helps to work with a very sensitive touch-up spray. HVLP is one step forward when it comes to transferring efficiency. Due to transfer efficiency, wastage of paint occurs in this process. Even less wastage will result in a cleaner working environment and save the sprayer's cleaning time.

Usually, the sprayer will wear a mask as a precaution. While using an HVLP spray gun, the painter would expose something bare to less hazardous gases due to the high volume of air in the paint material being sprayed. HVLP spray guns are well known for their motor performance, and the spray gun has an airless paint sprayer. The volume is more than the other normal sprays. It can withhold the same thickness of paint in a large area, and it is possible because of its volume. The HVLP spray gun can be adjusted according to its requirement for air. Its significant feature is the presence of a larger tank, which will increase the pressure it produces. So, it is able to handle both small as well as large projects.

Our BK Groups, Epic Coating Academy's founder Mr. Rajan Subramanian In the Last five years, independently, we contain helped 500+ business owners like you to run profitable painting businesses. We have created a FREE short 30 minutes training where we explain the top REASONS so you achieve perfect customer quality for a painting product business.

Rajan Subramanian Founder of The BK Groups Epic Coating Academy

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